About Packages and Coupon

Packages Price | 套餐价格

Personal Coupon Code

Action subscription Type Coupon Value
5 all packages 10%
10 all packages 20%
20 all packages 30%
30 all packages 50%

Q1. Why do some cheap packages not exist?

A1. Due to uncontrollable reasons, replace it with a higher quality dedicated server. and added a new packages, while also removing the old packages.

But still providing reset traffic service for active old package

Q2. Can the old packages still be renewed? Or you can relist old packages?

A2. Based on the current situation, it is not possible to renew and the old package will not be relisted.

Q3. What is the Always Coupon Code?

A3. Permanent Coupon code: SemiAnnually and Annually, For SemiAnnually(off10) and Annually(off20) All packages with periodic payments (except for the Promotion package).

Q4. What is a personal Coupon code?

A4. When there are more than 5 active subscriptions in your account, you can apply for a 10% discount(except for the Promotion package). Taking the table as an example, when you have 30 active subscriptions, you can apply for a 50% discount(except for the Promotion package).
Please note that the discount code can only be used by individuals. If other accounts use your discount code, it will become invalid and can never be applied for again.

Q5. Will the package continue to increase in price?

A5. We are currently using a dedicated server and strive to provide the lowest possible price to users. We cannot guarantee that the price will remain unchanged, and the future is full of uncertainties. There are countless reasons that will increase our costs.

Q6. Renewing the package extend the expiration date?

A6. Turn on the automatic renewal switch in the subscription list, and when the account has sufficient balance, the system will automatically renew. Repeatedly purchasing multiple identical packages does not extend the validity period, only multiple subscriptions will exist.

Q7. Does subscription support resale?

A7. Yes, and it supports annotation subscription information. When your personal active subscription exceeds 5, you can open Ticket to apply for a maximum of 50% personal discount code. Please refer to the list above for details.

问1. 为什么一些便宜的套餐不存在?

答1. 由于不可控原因,更换更高质量的专用服务器。 并添加了新的套餐,同时也移除了旧的套餐。


问2. 旧的套餐还可以续订吗?或者您可以重新上架旧套餐吗?

答2. 根据目前情况,无法续订,旧套餐也不会重新上架。

问3. 什么是永久折扣码?

答3. 永久折扣代码:半年和每年,对于半年(九折优惠)和 每年(八折优惠) 所有定期付款的套餐(Promotion 套餐除外)。

问4. 什么是个人折扣码?

答4. 当您的帐户中有超过 5 个有效订阅时,您可以申请 10% 的折扣(Promotion 套餐除外)。以表格为例,当您有 30 个活跃订阅时,您可以申请 50% 的折扣(Promotion 套餐除外)。


问5. 套餐还会继续涨价吗?

答5. 我们目前使用专用服务器,并努力为用户提供尽可能低的价格。我们不能保证价格不变,未来充满不确定性。有无数的原因会增加我们的成本。

问6. 续订套餐可以延长有效期吗?

答6. 在订阅列表中开启自动续费开关,当账户余额充足时,系统会自动续费。重复购买多个相同套餐并不会延长有效期,只会存在多次订阅。

问7. 订阅支持转售吗?

答7. 是的,并且支持注释订阅信息。当您的个人活跃订阅超过5个时,您可以开票申请最多50%的个人折扣码。详情请参阅上面的列表。