Clash Verge For Windows

Set 1. select subscribe list | 选择订阅列表

Set 2. only one subscription | 仅有一个订阅

you can choose subscribe list.when you more subscription.

Set 3. choose client and download | 选择客户端并下载

you can skip this step,when you have this client.

Set 4. install client | 安装客户端

you can skip this step,when you have this client.

Set 5. Export Config | 导出订阅

If the import cannot be done through URL Schemes (if the export function cannot be used properly, it may be due to incomplete uninstallation using other Clash proxy software (such as CFW). Please check if the following registry entries point to the correct exe path
如果不能通过URL Schemes的方式导入 (如果无法正常使用导出功能,可能是由于使用其他 Clash 代理软件(如 CFW)卸载不完全。请检查下列注册表项指向的 exe 路径是否正确。)
Alternatively, save the following configuration as .reg file and manually add it to the registry (run as an administrator). Please modify the path in the configuration for the portable version yourself.
或者将下列配置保存为 .reg 文件,手动将配置添加进注册表(以管理员身份运行)。便携版请自行修改配置中的路径。
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

"URL Protocol"=""

@="C:\\Program Files\\Clash Verge\\Clash Verge.exe"



@="\"C:\\Program Files\\Clash Verge\\Clash Verge.exe\" \"%1\""

Other import methods | 其他的导入方式

By copying subscription | 通过复制订阅

By writing a configuration file | 通过写入配置文件

By opening a local configuration file | 通过打开本地配置文件

By dragging and dropping configuration files | 通过拖拽配置文件

Set 6. open system proxy and Startup with Windows | 打开 系统代理 与 开机启动

Congratulations on successful setup